Private Events

Looking to celebrate your birthday, plan your wedding or anniversary or just invite everyone at a party that will go down as legendary? Let us understand your vision, materialize your concept and realize your event. We are here to help you put everything together from the fun elements such as choosing location, theme, décor, lighting and which DJ or performer to hire to the tiresome logistics and details of getting your guests where they need to go and acquiring the permits for the installations and props of your event.

Corporate Events


Whether you are planning a conference of corporate character or an incentive trip to enrich employee relations and strengthen your team we can provide you with the services you require from selecting your destination and venue to the team building activities and logistics. Meet us, talk to us about your needs, purpose and goals and we will tailor make an event that will bring about the success you have set for your company.

Luxury – Product Launches


Releasing a new product into the market whether a hybrid car or a premium brand of liqueur is all about appearance, experiential marketing and reaching out to and touching the right people. Take the time to meet us, talk to us about your aims and allow us to plan for you the event of a lifetime for your target audience be it journalists, industry professionals or trendsetters and networkers.

Children’s parties

Children’s parties are always a challenge. How to cater to all ages, how to relate to their world and how to deliver something they haven’t experienced before.  Getting the right stimulation to your child and guests and delivering something that is novel and entertaining is key. Based on our expertise we will put together the ideal event for your child and welcome him/her to a world he/she could only imagine!

Travel Design & Concierge

Currently available in Mykonos only

Mykonos in an island of unparalleled beauty offering entertainment and activities from sea sports, hiking and visits to Delos, one of the most important archaeological sites in the Mediterranean, to dining at high end restaurants and partying in some of the most beautiful and iconic venues in Greece. It has in recent years become a destination of international standards and demand. As a company, no one knows the island like we do and we believe such a destination requires a travel design and concierge company that matches the levels of excellence and requirements of the island’s high end clientele. Contact us to design your trip and we will find the right villa for your stay, keep you to date with all current noteworthy events, arrange all your reservations from yachts to restaurants and clubs and take care of your every need upon request.